Tuesday, November 15, 2005

MaCayla's in Heaven

MaCayla on nap duty.


Anonymous said...

Tim and Esther are thinking of and praying for you all. We hope Hannah feels better soon. She is beautiful. We look forward to your return.
Tim Curry

Anonymous said...

MaCayla Girl! You are making McKinlie so jealous! Keep up the good work. Looks like Hannah will be ready for a nice "warm" juicy steak with all those teeth she has. What about you Dee? We love yall. Counting the days.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I missed your call. I was at Mama and Daddy's showing them Hannah! I don't know how much they actually saw because my Daddy thought she had curly hair! So much for his cataract surgery. When yall go to WalMart see if they have Dyprotex. It is what we used on the babies in the hospital with really bad diaper rashes. Mama Jo gave me my update. Thanks!
Have a great day today.

Anonymous said...

Little Hannah looks right at home cozied up next to her big sister . . . right where she belongs!

We are so happy for you guys - she is a beautiful addition to your already wonderful family. Congratulations!

John, Penny, and Sara Moore

Anonymous said...

Hey! I am so excited for you all. She is so beautiful. God has really blessed you with such a precious gift. I know MaCayla will be a great big sister. She will be a big help. I will pray God will give you all wisdom and guidance in raising Hannah. I will pray for strength and energy each day. Hannah is so blessed to be in such a loving, godly family. I can't wait to meet her. I love you all.

Amy Quinn