The day started off very rocky at breakfast. We stayed in the room much of the day like we had in Harbin. We did a lot of hand touching and assorted methods of getting Chloe closer to the girls. It seems to have paid off some. At dinner tonight Chloe sat in her high chair and didn't have any violent tantrums. The was quite a respite for us. I know this sounds trivial to some, but we feel very stressed out at times so eating quietly was a big deal. She ate the best she has to date. She has not had any big eating issues, but it is nice to see her eat heartily.
It seems part of the issue is she wants some control of her environment so we started letting her walk on her own more in the hotel. She can walk very wobbly so it gives us a coronary watching her walk on the marble floors, but she enjoys the freedom.
Deann was able to put her in the carrier this afternoon and walk around shopping with her while I went to the bank. CG protested, but gave in after some time. Going to the bank is a big ordeal. I think I was the third person in line and waited 1 1/2 hours having American Express checks changed to RMB. That only took 15 minutes. Who knows what the two people in front of me were doing. Perhaps they were closing on a mortgage.
It is Thursday night for us. One more whole day. We leave the hotel at 9:30 am Saturday.
Update: Tonight she is not going to sleep easily like before. That was the one thing we could count on until now.
Glad to hear there are some improvements. Hope things continue to go that direction, and that you can get thru the plane ride smoothly. We are praying.
Wonderful news that Chloe is
improving, and we certainly
are praying to that end. BP
said maybe she will sleep on the
way home. And so sorry to miss
your call this AM - we left at
6:45 to go to Augusta for BP's
appts. Thanks for trying, and
we are continually praying for
you - so thankful you're this
near to getting here.
Love you all,
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