Friday, October 29, 2010

Almost Halfway

Half way home.

We are currently on the flight from Harbin to Guangzhou. I was not able to sit next to my four girls so I have time to write a little.

Presently, CG is asleep and she has not cried at all during the flight. I probably jinxed that. The flight is 4 1/2 hours so it is a good test run for the two long flights home next week.

We feel like we missed the flavor of Harbin because our guide was impossible to engage. Good communication is so important during this process. Thank goodness Chloe has been relatively easy up to this point. She has had her moments as we all have being isolated to our room for over 4 days.

I did jinx it... CG woke up in a rage. Throwing her head back kind of rage. MaCayla pulled out a banana which seems to have done the trick. Deann has shown more patience than I have ever seen anyone have during this process. Pray she can keep this up.

The Russians have broken out the sausage on the plane and it is strong. Wow!!! Please not on the plane!!!

Saturday we will go to the Medical Clinic and have CG examined. This is part of the US Visa process. Also, she will have her immunizations repeated. She has already had them done here. Thanks to the U.S. Government for that. Why she can't have this done in the U.S. is beyond me. Most of next week is the Visa process. We should have some down time to play in the park and shop a bit.

We have eaten a lot of dumplings and noodles for those of you wondering what we are eating. The breakfast bar at our hotel in Harbin had a very good selection, so that was very satisfying. I have eaten sushi, steak, eggs, dumplings, fruit, sausage, chicken, rice, and toast. Deann hates the coffee and I love it. I think it must be strong, but I put so much sweetener in it I do not notice. Deann says it is engine oil.

Thanks to everyone for keeping us in your thoughts and prayers. It makes a difference.

Chloe did great on the flight.

Patrick Cook


forest said...

Yahoooo!! Almost half way done and the best part of the trip is still to come. I do hope the weather will be great so you can walk the island some. Sorry about the coffee- Doug would think is was divine. Hope you are settling in to yrou new home for the next few day and get a good nights rest. Shea is soooo ready to see Hannah. Thanks for the pictures. Tell Deane she made Caryn's day yesterday!!

Mama Jo said...

WHAT A WEEK!! And we can
start counting down - I first
said Monday, but think I will
start tomorrow!! So thankful
about Chloe's trip, and trust
it will be a good indication
of the long flight from Seoul
to Atlanta! Will be praying
to that end as well as for a
good time this next week. You
certainly deserve it.

We love you,