Saturday, October 23, 2010

Bye Bye Beijing, Hello Harbin

It is 12:45 AM here and I cannot sleep. I woke up and read MaCayla's blog from yesterday. She is a prolific writer. Check it our here Lots of thoughts going through my head. Almost all about Chloe Grace. We are so close!!!!

We celebrated Hannah's birthday yesterday and had a cake made for the orientation feast. The cake was chocolate and raspberry (I think).

We leave for Harbin at noon tomorrow. We arrive at 5:00 pm.

We had a great day at orientation, The Forbidden City and Tiananmen Square yesterday.

We were very tired at the end of the day and Hannah feel asleep at Dinner. She missed her pizza.

Hannah has been great. She says she loves China.

I wish we had more time in Beijing, but not at the expense of seeing Chloe Grace.

Things are different here (duh). For instance our bus driver made a T turn on one of the busiest streets in Beijing in front of our hotel so we good depart the bus on the correct side of the street. It would have sparked road rage in the U.S. It seemed common place here. His license would have been revoked in Georgia. You just have to see it to believe it.

China is not the sleeping dragon anymore. It is obvious in Beijing that China will be the dominant economic force in the world very soon. Five years ago the streets were full of bikes. Now they are full of cars. They bring a new meaning to the phrase "traffic jam". LA and Atlanta traffic seems small compared to here.

The masses of people on the streets is overwhelming.

I will post some pictures tomorrow. I need some sleep.


1 comment:

Mama Jo said...

I'm so sorry you cannot sleep -
I know you need your rest, but
what can we do. At least you
had some excellent reading!!
MaCayla is gifted in writing too.
Will be anxiously awaiting any
and everything that comes our
way. We love you.