Saturday, October 30, 2010

8 Shots

CG is required to have 8 shots (vaccinations) before we can get her Visa. She had four today and will have four Monday. The most of anyone in our group. I video taped the first four shots. It is painful to watch.

At the medical examination the doctor listen to her heart and he said it sounded normal to him. She will be checked out completely when we return home.

I made a movie of the event. I uploaded it to my You Tube site patrickcook01.


Effie said...

Bless this little girl's heart! Four shots is a lot for one day. Good luck on Monday getting the next four! It's a wonder these girls don't have "doctor phobia" after all this.

forest said...

Poor little CG. we will pray for Monday and then the trip will be home free. Patrick my tigers stunk it up big time today against BC so I hope your Dogs prove to have a better performance in Jacksonville.

Angie said...

There were several children in our group that had to have that many too. It is ridiculous and so uncalled for...but when you want to come home it is a must. I hope she does alright with them and I'll be praying for the next round on Monday.