Major jet lag set in for us starting about noon on Friday. Our strategy was to stay awake as long as possible. We went walking, out to eat (we found a McDonald's), and swimming. We made it until about 4:30 pm. We are now showering and getting ready for bed. Hannah is fine and acting normal. The rest of us only had cat naps on the plane and apparently that is not enough. Tomorrow we have an Orientation Meeting and a Tour of Tiananmen Square (I hope I spelled that correctly) and the Forbidden City. For Chloe's sake I hope we recover quickly. Not feeling too good right now. Things will be better with some sleep.
We knew Angie had it tough getting Ruthie the within the first few hours she was here. That is unimaginable the way we feel right now. Monday is the scheduled "Gotcha Day". says it may be snowing in Harbin (that is where we will get Chloe Grace) on Monday. That should be interesting!
I look back and it is still unimaginable...however it was obviously doable and I wouldn't change it because it was all part of Ruthie's story. Now, having said that, if I did it again we would go to Beijing and get over all the funk before heading to the province!!! Get some rest! 2 more full days until Chloe Day!! WOOOHOOO!
How cool that she is in Harbin! We are hosting an Adoption Voyages family right now that just picked up their 6 year old son in Harbin. They are on their way to Guangzhou. I will put you in touch when you get back if you would like. This is the 3rd website we've done for them, so they are like old friends to us by now. :-)
Get some rest! Glad you got there safely.
Ok,so we are dying to know if the tooth fairy ever caught up with the airplane?
The praying has not stopped here at the Ramsey house. We love yall!
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