Thursday, October 28, 2010

Matching PJ's


Mama Jo said...

This is the cutest yet!! THose
smiles are out of this world!!

Becky said...

Too cute!!!Love those smiles and E loves the pjs. We've loaded CG into the little plane with M & H at church and everyone ooohed and ahhhed over the pictures last night.

prechrswife said...

Adorable! Love the pj's! Have a safe trip to Guangzhou.


Angie said...

I love it!!! The pj's are precious but not near as cute as those two girls!
Safe travels to GZ....things will look and actually be brighter once you arrive there!

Michael Azzolin said...

This is awesome Patrick! Sorry for the late post, but I can't comment at MMH and things speed up when I get home. Have a safe trip. Your family is in our's constant prayers.